
The 12 basic needs

From A to B for all consumers and all consumergoods worldwide is the workingfield of both WTO (world tourist organization) and WTO (world trade organization).

Because of the “hot” item of climate-change now more and more important to change habits and techniques of transport!

Since globalization began in the 15th century after Marco Polo and Columbus discovered the possibilities of travelling and trade the Dutch started up with the great shipping routes of the VOC to the East Indies, followed by the English Commonwealth worldwide and finally the US globalizing enterprises. Producing there where it is most needed, most efficient and of where the best quality is possible are the basic rules of all economy. And the discussions today about global versus local production, about debtrelease and microcredit, and about breaking down all kinds of barriers including copyrights to make the world a better place to live and to work are meant to reach better results for all consumers.

Although Ghandi said that there is enough for everybody’s needs but never enough for anyone’s greeds, even then we have to think about HOW we make our choises in products, services and travelling, with respect to nature and all the other people who are working for us. Local foodproduction, green energy and cradle2cradle production methods are important for intelligent transport to work towards natural sustainability. Tourism combined with exchange of knowledge and/or practical assistence can help the world towards social sustainability.

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09 202409 September 2024






WTO 30 Years –  Creating Silk Roads in the 21st Century

April this year the World Trade Organization WTO celebrated its 30th anniversary. The last of the Bretton Wood organizations finally found its definitive organization concept in 1994, the modern “Silk Roads”of world trade. 
In a globalizing world where consumers are producers as well. During 40 out of 168 hours a week, 40 years in a life of 80 when healthy, both men and women, that is being a producer 12,5% of our lifetime! when calculating exactly! And to connect those two parties of specialization (producers) and allround users/consumers we need transport of goods and also of personel and employees. That’s trade. Traveling toursists, students, scientists are on the same road: toward the producers!
World trade gives us “the big picture” of the globalized world economy in a nutshell. Towards understanding how we need each other in so many ways. Instead of do-it-yourself …….
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09 202309 September 2023

The Future of Mobility – Formula 1 as a Lab for Research

August 27 The Formula 1 races were in Zandvoort in the Netherlands. But what
is most interesting of course is the question about the why and the how of racing.

Racing is not only about being the fastest but today also about material testing!
Now more than ever about materials and sustainability, about commodities and
geopolitical relations, about development of new techniques for the way we are
travelling around the world and to our daily work. Racing is a laboratorium for
research and product development by all means! Not only for cars but also for
trains, boats and plains!

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Interesting Engineering
Trains and Boats and Planes …


09 202209 September 2022

Go / No Go in the 21st Century: Travel and Transport

Electric and hydrogen based on solar or wind are the new fuels for travel and transport. Sharing cars scooters and e-bikes the new basis for lowering commodities in general. Working from home as the ultimate form of sustainability in travel and transport. But Buy Nothing Day could be recognised as the ultimate wake-up call for consideration when we decide every day about to buy or not to buy! Because not only energy and commodities are worth to think about but also the labour of our fellow consumers. What do we REALLY need? The three questions about why how and what are relevant in all our everyday decisions as consumers. That is “stewardship” or in other words: consumer governance!

But also thinking the other way around is important, even more important! What do we need for our personal welfare and development not material but social and spiritual? That is the economy of services and the art of living itself!

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09 201901 January 2019

The New Silk Roads – Production Trade and Consumption in the 21st Century

The future of globalization will depend mostly on where commodities are found, trade routes are developed and cultures cooperate, coexist or “clash” with each other. The bestselling masterpiece Silk Roads (2015) was about the past, this book The New Silk Roads (december 2018) is about the future. A must-read for everyone who is interested in the economical roots of globalization and human development.

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09 201804 April 2018

World Trade Organization Towards New Concepts

After the US took their decisions to tighten import/export rules and taxation, also the EU, China and many other countries are now working towards new world trade relations. Consumers of course need to have a fair and sustainable system of world trade rules to get their daily necessities of life. And it is always the consumer him/herself who pays the final price. So hopefully all discussions will lead to the best possible prices.

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09 201104 April – June 2011

From WTO to WFTO

This year also terrorism seems to come to a halt by the end of the Al Qaeda movement. But still it will be more and more important that responsibility is taken more seriously not only by governments and business but by us citizens as well to avoid problems get out of hand again in world relations. It was the WTO that was attacked because it was not fair enough, so we as consumers should really pay the real price to give the right answer!

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09 200911 November 2009

From Adam Smith to WFTO – fair trade as the key to a sustainable world

All players in the field are now moving towards a new worldeconomy where transparency, dialogue and fair pricing will be the basis for more wealth AND more wellness. That’s what Adam Smith really meant: free trade for the benefit of ALL.. And money as the most transparant means to registrate. Where the (world)economy is the playing ground for the division of labour to get the 1+1=3 effect. Where we are consumers AND producers at different moments of the week or in different places on the world.

Especially in the role of consumers we have the biggest responsibility because we are the ones who ask the questions or give the mandate or the command for a product or service. And do the last check and pay the bill. Of course we did that already since thousands of years, only became conscious of that since we entered the 21st century.

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