Welcome to the WorldWideWeb360. The big picture about “consumer governance”. About the 12 necessities of life.
Discovered 1980 when researching the world of the consumer. It is all about the “zodiac” of the worldwide economy.
This know-how is enough to organize all your information, books, annual meetings with producers, and your finance.
But if you want to know more about all the details of our world, our society our (personal) worldeconomy: read more!
Consumer Freedom, Responsibilty
Consumer360Academy is THE webportal for the consumer of the 21st century. About responsible lifestyles. About an economy of question and answer, of dialogue. About sustainability, true price and true income. This website is meant for exchange of insights and experiences. Membership of the Free Consumers Association is free.

consumer governance in action
Consumer360Academy is for consumers who feel responsible for their purchases, for the environment and for their relations with all the producers. Especially a platform for latest developments and new initiatives for sustainable products and services, fair trade and mutual respect in a globalising world, for ‘consumer governance’ in general! Consumer360Academy gives you the most basic information plus many links to other websites with the newest and most relevant background information.
Towards an Economy of Question and Answer
Every day we make decisions to which “producer” our euro yen or dollar starts its new “circle. And when we ask better questions, producers can give better answers. So as consumers we can help change the economy of supply and demand towards an economy of question and answer!
In the world economy we have producers and consumers, and traders and banks to connect those two. As consumers we have twelve necessities of life so we have to do with twelve groups of producers / traders / consumer associations. Our final decision-making is always about seven aspects: quality, quantity, price, guarantee, payment, delivery and consumption itself.
Follow Your Money
These basic elements of management information can be used to find the best information, the most relevant arguments to buy or not to buy, to take the best possible decisions. For ‘consumer governance’ in the first place but very useful for corporate governance as well. For sorting all detailed information in emails, libraries, archives and websites. But especially for our daily expenses registrated in a budget agenda or any other system of bookkeeping in home economics. For keeping a clear view on the big picture!
Read more
WorldWideWeb360 Consumer Information (YouTube 11 min.)
WorldWideWeb and Consumer Governance (Conference Poster)
Economy Studies – A Guide to Rethinking Economics Education (2022) Download is free.